Word Scrambler ⋆ Printable Worksheet

About Word Scrambler

Generate anagrams from your own or a large library of word lists. Two levels of anagram are provided - a full scramble and a more simple word split.

Word lists are shared between bingo, word search, flash cards and other SEN Teacher printables.

  • Choose Wordlist opens the word list tool allowing you to browse, edit and search for word lists.
  • Use Create New Word List to quickly create a new word list and worksheet.
  • Text Size sets the number of questions per sheet.
  • Font selects the typeface to use
  • Colour sets the colour of question text
  • Redraw creates a new set of anagrams from the same list.

The checkboxes provide additional options:

  • Toggle display of the answers
  • Create only simple word split anagrams
  • Toggle display of the sheet title

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